The first two days of my internship may have been a little slow, but Wednesday was busy enough for both of them. I have to start at the beginning when I was picking out my clothes for the day. Usually I wear jeans and a top like everyone else in the office, but for some reason that day I decided to look a little nicer and wear a plain navy dress with a brown belt. I got to work and started reading emails. One was from Graham saying that he would be taking me to the city to visit with a client about a new project they had for us. Oh yes, I had one hour to brief myself with background information about their corporate card. I didn't really have time to get nervous. Thank the heavens I didn't wear jeans. Graham and I drove to the city and rode up to the 28th floor and met with Amanda. She told us all about their corporate card and the product they wanted to promote. I took notes like mad and tried not to say anything dumb.
Designstreet is only a creative boutique. We design the final artwork, not the campaign. So clients bring us in to execute their ideas. Ideally, I want to work one step ahead with the campaign planners, but this gives me insight into the creative side. Planners and creatives are two totally different personalities, so I'm learning how to interact with both.
Anyway, after our morning meeting, Graham wanted to swim over lunch break. He took me to this swim/gym/cafe place for corporate folks who want to escape during lunch. He swam while I frantically tried to read up on some background info. Then we went back to the office for another round of meetings to find out exactly what they wanted us to design. We'll be using their campaign strategy to make brochures, powerpoints, and pamphlets.
Thursday was class, class, class.
Tonight I went to my first ever rugby match!! Kevin, Raychel, Sam R. Tom, and I decided to cheer for the South Sydney Rabbitohs because they were the home team...and Russell Crowe was at the game cheering for them. I guess this game was a big deal because it was the 100th anniversary + the season opener. We were told it was a huge event and were expecting large crowds comparable to an NFL game. We got there two hours early, but I bet only 25,000 showed up to watch. I guess this is a nice sized crowd for them, but it was nothing like the attendance and rowdiness of our sporting events. It was cool to watch, and we started picking up on it by the end. For instance- unlike football, the team that scores starts the next play with the ball and they get 6 tackles before they give up the ball. Also, their field goals are kicked 20 meters back from wherever they crossed into the endzone. So sometimes they would kick diagonally from the sideline! That takes skill. The players are huge brutes that I would never want to meet in an alley. There is rugby league (which we went to) and rugby union. They have slightly different rules, and I think in union the players are even bigger and the rules (or lack of) are more barbaric.
Tomorrow, beach.
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