I've never thought blogs were cool. I thought they were for people to share entirely too much about themselves to other nosy people. But here I am. This is much easier than sending mass emails that take so long to write that my webmail times me out. So, if you are interested in my travel tales in Australia, read on.
Just to get things up to speed... my flight was delayed 4 hours in LA so I ended up having to stay awake until 4 am to board the plane. This actually minimized my jet lag, so I guess in a way it was a blessing. I flew with four other girls from Mizzou and am lucky to be living with one of them, Sam Aiossa. She's a saucy little Italian from Chicage and I think we'll be fun for each other. My other roomie, Shayna, is sweet as well and we're waiting for the fourth.
I just returned from the orientation surfing trip with 61 other international kiddies. To sum up the experience, we partied at night at the campfire and tiki hut, called Humpy, surfed during the day, ate, and surfed some more. The instructors are outrageous and I hope their accent and totally laid back attitude rubs off on me. I've also now met a surfing dog. Grommet, meaning 'the little surfer', can stand on the board with the dudes while they surf! Anyway, I've just emailed some of you who might be reading this with details on the trip, so if not just ask me.
The toilets here have two flushes- one is a shorter, water saving flush for pee and the other is a full flush for poopie. I think it's a solid idea.
Here they shorten most words to end in an 'ie' sound. For instance, people have been calling sunglasses 'sunnies' and breakfast 'brekkie', university is called 'Uni' and I've even been shortened to Krissie. I love it.
Orientation for Uni is on Thursday, so I really am going to have to use my brain while I'm here. I'm still not sure about the internship, which is bugging me.
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