Thursday, July 17, 2008


I have to make a correction...

Yesterday we had another ONS training session during the morning. Afterward, we were all supposed to meet with our managers to get our accreditation cards (badges that allow us into the venues.) Stephanie (also in field hockey) and I went to the person we thought was our manager, only to find out she wasn't. I will spare the details, but as it turns out, most of us who studied abroad last semester were not given jobs with the Olympic News Service, but instead with Press Operations. This means we will be doing things like crowd control or passing things out... Needless to say we were REALLY upset. We were all unable to take the exam that the Mizzou kids took in March, but were told we'd just be pushed through. We still thought we'd all be doing journalism. Several of us went yesterday to talk to the professors about this, and they are contacting our managers to see what can be done. I know Mizzou wants this to be a substantial experience for us, so hopefully they can figure something out.

SO- since my situation is evolving and still somewhat unclear, I won't begin work until next week. Today was a nice free day, just laid out by the hotel with some of the girls and talked about what else we should see in China. BOCOG set up so much for us that we've pretty much knocked out all the important tourism attractions in Beijing!

I'll keep you updated on what happens with my job...

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