So Red Bull has about the most genius marketing idea I've ever seen. First, their slogan is "Red Bull gives you wings." They host this event called Flugtag where teams compete to build these rediculous contraptions they think will "fly" and run/bike/push their flying machine over the edge of a ramp that's about 10 meters above the water. The most crazy man (believe me, women wouldn't be dumb enough to do this) is the pilot of the craft and goes down with it. These competitions have been done all over the world, but this was the first one in Australia. 15,000 spectators showed up, which was amazing in itself. We saw giant clocks, an airplane that was shaped like a bee, and my favorite, a giant penguin. The penguin didn't even try to go fast off the ramp, they just waddled it to the edge and it fell off, which was about the funniest thing I've ever seen. These things literally plummet into the water below! Leading up to "take off" the team plays music and does a little dance or some sort of a performance, in which most wore costumes... (male nurses, tu tus, speedos, you name it.) They are scored on performance, creativity, and distance. The furthest one only went lik 20 meters, and apparently the world record is 60m. I hope they were on the booze, because that's the only way I could see someone actually attempting this! Oh, and this was all last Sunday.
Anyway, I had a really stressful week because I had a long paper to write for Aboriginal History. I always think 'there is no way I'm going to finish' and then I pull a miracle. I was printing in the library and when I got back to my computer this Asian guy was messing with it. He said he was really into my paper and wanted a copy to read. I said no that I had class soon... I'm thinking he might have downloaded a copy to sell or plagerise or something... it was sketchy. So I told my professor about it today just in case...
THEN- today I had my last class before a TWO WEEK break! Went to the rec, then got a haircut, then relaxed at the beach for a bit. Tomorrow morning we are leaving at 4:15am for the airport for break in Cairns (the popular place to see the Great Barrier Reef and the rainforest.) It's a lot warmer up there so I can't wait! I might just stay up all night since I have to be up at 3:45, I'm in college right?? :) We are planning on snorkeling and stuff... maybe pet a few sharks. You know. More details after the break!
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